Sweet Catastrophe
A Look Into a Lost Soul
Pieces of Me
Contact Me
My Writing or Artwork
Your Tomb is Where Your Heart Is

Why you clicked on my link to see this site is beyond me...but since your here...

This is my site...*points* not yours or yours or yours! MINE! And I can see you right now, so if you take anything from here, I know who you are, and we will be meeting soon . Thanks :)

As you can see on your left  (No you idiot, your other left...) That's where all the magic happens...No you sick bastard! Not THAT magic, the magic that takes you from one page to another. Moron. ANYWAYS! Click on them and see where it takes you. I think the titles are self explanitory but if you can't figure what each means, then I guess your out of luck :)
Moving on...I'll probally be adding massive amounts of new things to this beast every now and then. So check this piece out, or I'll hunt you down.

Feel Like Drama?

Starting when I feel like it...this will be the kick ass space where I add anything intresting that happened that day. So, if you enjoy drama-rama n shiz like that...you might wanna read this.

4/7 - So today there was an intresting fight with my friend(s). It made me laugh and was entertaining cos it was so needed. But I don't feel like dishin out the entire story, if you feel like that go read my Deadjournal bitch :)


Please be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think of my site.

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